Becoming a Better Embalmer
Tips, Skills and New Perspectives to Fend Off Irrelevancy in the Cremation Age
Hockley Valley (Mono), ON - September 23 & 24, 2019
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With the increase in families wanting cremation and embalming decreasing, things need to change. This seminar is for Licensed Funeral Directors and Embalmers and will present real and tangible methods, strategies & techniques to increase requests for viewing and embalming and change the mindset that embalming and cremation can not co-exist at the same funeral ceremony or ritual. The key to this is Better Embalming!! It is our obligation and responsibility as funeral professionals to be the best we can and that means knowing how to step up, grow and evolve to meet the ever changing needs of our families.
Recognized by the BAO and the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice and
Presented and Hosted in Conjunction with the Ontario Funeral Service Association (OFSA) 2019 AGM and Conference
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